
At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist and commanded his followers to repeat his actions and words in this Liturgical celebration. At every Mass, the priest says the words of consecration, when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus, fully present with us here and now.
Since the beginning, Christians have taken part in this celebration to honor and worship the Lord every Sunday (or Saturday vigil), and are invited to participate anytime Mass is offered. (CCC 1323-1367
Sunday Masses
Saturday Vigil:
Holy Spirit
4:15 PM Confession
5 PM Mass
Holy Spirit
8:15 Confession
9 AM Mass
St. Edward
10:45 AM Mass
Weekday Masses
Holy Spirit
5 PM Adoration
6 PM Mass
St. Edward
8 AM Adoration
9 AM Mass
St. Malachy School
9:15 AM Mass
No Mass
Holy Spirit
9 AM Mass

Jesus gave his apostles the power to "bind and loose" sin. Though only God can forgive sins, priests have been given the ability to exercise this Divine power so we may be reunified with God.
Confession is for all the baptized, especially those who have fallen into grave sin. Though sometimes uncomfortable, it cleanses our soul and prepares us to worthily receive Holy Communion. Our sins forgiven and we are healed (CCC1440-1458).
Call the parish office for an appointment or visit Holy Spirit on Saturdays from 4:15-4:45 PM or Sundays 8:15-8:45 AM, or St. Edward on the first Sundays of the month at 10:45.

Eucharistic Adoration is an extension of the worship offered in Mass, offered at an additional time. The Blessed Sacrament is placed in a monstrance (special container) to allow us to be face to face with God. During this time, we may bring prayers to him or just sit in silence, allowing the Lord into our hearts. (CCC 1378)
Stop in at Holy Spirit Mondays from 5 to 6 PM, or at St. Edward Tuesdays from 8 to 9 AM.

At the passing of a loved one, the Funeral Mass helps us to praise, worship, and thank God for the life that has now returned to him (Order of Christian Funerals).
Please read the Funeral Planning Guide to help you make decisions about Funeral Mass Readings, prayers, and other details, so that you may discuss your choices with the priest.

By this sacrament, Jesus, through the hands of the priest, touches the sick to heal them from sin, and sometimes even from physical ailment. This is a wonderful sacrament, not only for the dying, but for anyone suffering an illness (physical, mental, emotional, etc), or in preparation for any medical procedure.
Anytime by appointment.

Baptism is the means by which we enter God’s family as his adopted sons and daughters, so that we may share in his Divine Life. At our baptism, we are cleansed of all sin, including original sin, and are incorporated into the Church as a new creation, a Child of God. People of any age can be baptized, and it is encouraged for infants to be baptized soon after their birth.
Call the parish office to set up a time.

Matrimony is the Sacrament by which a man and woman become one flesh and pledge to love and be faithful to each other until death, helping each other to grow in holiness and being open to new life. Christian marriage is a lifelong commitment and so requires proper preparation and understanding. Preparations must be made with the priest at least six months before the wedding date so that you may have adequate time to prepare.
Contact the parish office.