Liturgical Ministries
Individuals who wish to proclaim Scripture at Sunday Mass and other liturgies may be trained and added to a rotating schedule.
Michelle Moore
Youth Contact:
Leah Rogers
Altar Servers
Individuals in third grade or older who wish to serve at the altar are invited to be trained as Altar Servers. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve in liturgy and to understand the importance of prayer in their lives.
Leah Rogers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Parishioners may be trained to assist the priest and deacons to distribute Holy Communion, either at Mass or to the homebound or hospitalized.
Michelle Moore
Individuals who sing or play the piano or other instrument are invited to share their talent with the parish by helping to provide music at Mass and other liturgies.
Linda Taylor
Ushers and Greeters
Ushers are ministers of hospitality who receive the offerings of the faithful as well as present the gifts. Greeters welcome people as they enter the church to join the liturgy.
Charlene Dunphy